
All works on this site, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted to the author Missy H. (aka M. Hull). Please do not use any posts without permission of blog author. You can contact me via email.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

50th Anniversary Sampler

Well I finally started the 50th Anniversary Sampler for my parents. Instead of doing the one I posted about earlier, from a Just Cross Stitch magazine I decided to do Teresa Wentzler's Wedding Sampler and change the words to show it is for a 50th Anniversary.

I have the chart as part of her Best Of Teresa Wentzler's Sampler Collections book. From past experience with her charts, I went to the posting board and her web site today to get the list of possible errors that have been found on the different releases of this chart. The biggest one I was worried about was the Plait Stitch border on the heart box near the bottom. There is no stitch diagram in the best of book for plait stitch that can be worked in a row, just a diagram for one that is to be worked as a single stand alone stitch. Luckily the wonderful people on her posting board had already found this error and posted a correction for it which included the stitch diagram.

I will be stitching this design using the recommended DMC floss, Mill Hill beads, and the first fabric I ordered from Enchanted Fabrics. (Champagne Cocktail, painted..28ct jobelen) The second one I had ordered is too dark and over shadows some of the colors, whereas the champagne one (that has a slight peach cast to it) works perfectly!

So far I have the upper left square done, with the column of cross stitch that goes below it on the outside of the satin stitch lines. I really like the way the colors are enhanced by the fabric, not overshadowed or drowned out.

I will be working on this some more tomorrow, so hopefully I can put my first progress picture up! I am really looking forward to stitching this design!

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Missy (aka Raven)